The MS Language & Art Week took place from the 24th to the 28th of October 2022. The students took part in a variety of activities during the week, that were meant to improve their reading and listening skills, as well as inculcate a reading culture in them.
The activities included stop, drop and read sessions, where students are encouraged to stop and drop everything that they were doing, pick up a book and start reading.
To book sharing sessions with their peers to improve their listening skills, encourage reading and build on their vocabulary.
To folktale sessions where the students gathered in the school auditorium to listen to great folktales and answer a few questions based on the stories they listened to.
and finally, to round up the Language & Art Week, the students participated in a character dressing session where they were tasked with dressing up as a character from a book they have read. Various characters; ranging from kings and queens, princes and princesses, wizards and witches to superheroes and more, were showcased. Kudos to the MS students for a job well done and see you next year for our Language & Art Week 2023.