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Mudzini School's First Election Day

On the 14th of February 2020, Mudzini School students from Year 4 and Grade 4 to Year 9 and Form 2 gathered in the Keown Auditorium and took to the ballot to pick their Student Representatives for the year.

In aiding the students to learn about exercising their democratic right, the school sought the services of IEBC officials from Kilifi North to oversee the event with assistance from MS teaching staff. The officials had previously assisted with voter training, registration and nominations.

The students were buzzing with excitement on the day as the events began with final instructions and the aspirants inspecting the ballot papers to confirm that they were indeed empty.

The 7 available posts were:

  • Student President which had 3 aspirants and their deputies

  • Academic Cabinet Secretary, which had 4 aspirants

  • Catering Cabinet Secretary, with 2 aspirants

  • Entertainment C.S, with 2 aspirants

  • Environmental C.S, with 2 aspirants

  • Sports C.S, with 2 aspirants

  • Student Council Speaker, with 2 aspirants and their running mates

The students lined up according to their classes, checked and confirmed their names on the voters' list and proceeded to collect the ballot papers and afterwards headed to the voting booths.

Once voting was done by all the registered students, the IEBC officials had the task of tallying the votes. The ballots were sealed and the officials proceeded to the tallying station, unsealed the boxes and began counting the votes.

The tension in the room was evident as the officials proceeded to count the votes, and the moment all had been waiting for arrived.

The President's post was won by Faith Mueni and her running mate Isaiah.

The Academic C.S seat was won by Anne-Beatrice and her running mate Jabali.

Halima Mohammed wins post of Catering CS.

Denis Muoki wins post of Speaker.

Rehema Kazungu wins post of Sports C.S

Libero Maina wins post of Environmental C.S

Congratulations to all the elected officials.


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